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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Obama has a Miraculous medal??

Check out Fr Z's blog
Apparently Obama has a Miraculous medal among the things he carries for "good luck". Hmmm interesting. That fully confirms the feeling I have had about praying for his conversion. Please pray for him and his soul, and keep interceding to Mary.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This passage is taken from "The Imitation of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus," published by TAN Books & Publishers.

The name of the yahoo group it comes from is:


--- In,

Sue Burton wrote:

The Voice of the Heart of Jesus: Woe to the world, My Child: woe to
heart that clings to its allurements and its vanities. It is not
to cast Satan out of your heart, you must also expel the world. If
inwardly cherish the world, whatever else you may do wholly to amend
yourself, shall be of little help to you. For the world will
continue to
infect your heart, will doubtless pervert and finally betray you into
the power of the demon.

What is the world except an inordinate or perverse love of pleasure,
riches, honours; whereby its votaries are themselves corrupted and
corrupt others? If you desire to know what you ought to think of the
world, consider what I Myself have judged of it. Behold! I passed
through life doing good to all; I loved the enemies that persecuted
when fastened to the Cross, I prayed for those that crucified Me; but
for the world I prayed not. The world is of the devil, is wholly
in wickedness, and cannot possess My Spirit; even as falsehood
cannot be
truth, as corruption cannot be purity.

The world is itself a proof, not only of the undeniable existence -
even of the necessity of a hell. What can there be in common between
world and My Heart, since the world either openly or secretly,
every vice; while My Heart breaths nothing, except what is holy? The
world in league with Satan, its prince seeks for souls to destroy
forever; My Heart longs to save them all. You cannot therefore, serve
the world and Me: for, if you are the friend of the world, you become
the enemy of My Heart.

If you are a Votary of the world, you will perish with the world:
but if
you follow My Heart, you will go into life everlasting. If you drive
world and the maxims of the world from your heart, so as to offer it
wholly to Me, the offering will be pleasing and honourable to Me, and
the full of glory and merit to yourself. The Angels and the Saints
applaud the deed, and the world itself shall be compelled to admire
lofty heroism of your mind. Blessed is he My Child, who withdraws his
affections from the things of the world and consecrates them to Me

What do you find in the world on account of which you would love it?
Behold! all that is in the world, is the desire of the flesh, the
of the eyes, and the pride of life. And at the end of all these is
and hell. If then you love the world, or the things which are of the
world, you take into your embrace everlasting perdition. What good
the world done to you that you would devote your affections to it? It
has done and never will do you anything but evil. How then can you
your heart to it? Trust not My Child, the smiles and blandishments of
the world; they show only a covert desire to deceive and destroy you.
But hearken to the invitations of My Heart, that longs to save you
everlasting misfortunes which the world is preparing for you.

If you do not forsake the world, the world will forsake you, when you
are spent and worn out in its service. It will lavish and mock at
destruction; and when you stand most in need of help, you shall be
and powerless. Think frequently which of the two, when you about to
into eternity, you shall rather wish to have followed, the world or
Do freely, therefore and meritoriously now, what without merit you
be forced to do then. Apply yourself to withdraw your heart of the
of earthly things; and by a complete disengagement from it, to
over the world! Have confidence My Child, I have overcome the world:
you are willing, you also can vanquish it. So soon as you shall have
conquered, I will give you a most delightful place in My Heart.


Thursday, January 22, 2009


Sorry it's been so long, My parents have been gone for the month in Europe and the place I've been staying did not have the internet so... I will really post when I get home tomorrow!


Saturday, January 3, 2009