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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prayer Request

Please keep my friend Lidia and her family in your prayers as her mom just passed away today.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Be careful what you eat

I noticed at the very end of this song they say "so remember it's your body and the only one you've got"
I started thinking about how easy it now is to replace body parts and it made me kind of sad because God only gave you one body because He expects you to take care of it. When you don't take care of it, it can cause problems. This applies to more then just your body. No matter WHAT God gives you, and I'm sure no matter how hard and bad your life is you can find at least one thing God gave you, you need to respect it and acknowledge it, and THANK GOD for it.

So please be thankful for everything and don't take ANYTHING for granted because you never know when it will be gone.


Why I am SO thankful that I am homeschooled!

WOW! This is awful! I can't even find the words to express the sadness I feel for my peers who are in today's educational environment
According to this post at Dana Radio, one of the blogs of Dana Loesch, the image above is just one page of a Prom invitation issued at John Burroughs High School, a well-known private high school in the Saint Louis area (I believe). The link has two other images from the invitation, but I will not post them here, as one is a satanic pentagram and the other is a sleazily dressed woman with the caption "lust".

May I suggest that any homeschooler who hears carping from friends and relatives print out this invitation as an easy way to answer the question, "Aren't you worried about their socialization?"

Friday, March 13, 2009


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a month! I have been super busy. I have to go do school but I will try very hard to post again when I get home. A quick update on my life. I helped plan a retreat that was this past weekend, it went very well, even though I had a solo at Mass that I was not expecting...YIKES! Then on Tuesday I babysat all day, I earned 35 dollars which is already gone. >=( Then on Wednesday I found out that this Sunday is my planning committees youth group meeting so yesterday I had to plan that, then I had to meet with Beth so we could do the things we should have done on Wednesday. Plus I have a Chem test on Monday. Also there is a bunch of stuff I have to do before I leave for the month! Tomorrow I have a Committee meeting(no it's a different committee!) all morning then when I get back from that we are going to Detroit to visit family. So that's why I have not posted in a long time! Life should get back to normal for a bit soon and I will be on here more.