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Monday, April 27, 2009

It's been a long time...

Sorry it's been so long, I got kind of distracted by being here. Also John and Lisa have a limited amount of internet space so I havn't even been on the internet that much.

I am having an amazing time here and am super sad that I have to leave, yet at the same time I can't wait to get home. It's a very strange feeling. Today Lisa made apple (apfel in German) strudal for dessert. It was so super good! Then Katie and I went to Akathist, which is a hymn to Mary likened to the Rosary except it is much more public where as the Rosary is more pravite. It was so beautiful and truly indiscribable, one really cool thing was that they had blue and gold stoles on!
On Saturday we went to Vienna, there is a huge open air market there called the Nashmarkt and there's a bunch of Kebop stands. That's what John and I had, Katie and Lisa had Chinese and Maria had a doughnut. They were one of the best things I've ever tasted. YUM! We also went to Schonbrunn, which was the summer palace of the Hapzburg family. In the back yard there is this huge garden and we sat at a fountian and ate bread with a garlic cheese spread and drank wine out of the bottle...I felt so Europen, even though you would never see a Europen doing that. We also gave the ducks butterkak, Maria loved that! She also spent a good part of the time chasing the ducks and other birds around the fountian. All in all I have had an AMAZING month here but can't wait to be home and tell everyone about it.


Christ is risen from the dead, by death He conquered death and to those in the graves He granted life.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I don't know why it posted that twice... oh well.

Good Friday thoughts

On Good Friday we did the stations of the cross up the side of a mountain. It is very steep and slipery because a lot of it was covered with leaves still. I noticed that when it was covered in leaves it was much harder and much easier to lose your footing, but if there wasn't any leaves it was easy. God showed me that this is a lot like my life. If I can see where I am going then I can trust Him, but if I can't see the path then it is very hard to move forward. Also it got much harder right before the stations and this showed me that it will always get harder before you get a break. I hope you have all had a blessed Triduum and Easter Sunday and may your whole Easter season be happy and blessed.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Divine Mercy Chaplet

5 to 1 and we got all our runs on homers! WAHOOO!!!!!
On a more spiritual note, I thought this was very interesting.
Divine Mercy
Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

The Sunday after Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday.You have likely seen the picture of Jesus standing with his hand pointed to his heart, from which red and pale rays emanate. The words "Jesus, I trust in you" are at the bottom. This image represents the devotion to Divine Mercy, based on revelations given to St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938). The image itself was revealed to her, as was the "Chaplet of Divine Mercy," in which we pray the following words:"Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world."Many of the faithful, especially in the pro-life movement, practice this devotion. Indeed, the link between this devotion and abortion is established by St. Faustina herself and recorded in her "Diary." Fr. Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, who was a principal translator of St. Faustina's diary, and the postulator of her cause of canonization, writes the following: "On at least three occasions, from 8:00-11:00 in the evening, she felt like her insides were being torn apart. She suffered so much that she thought she was going to die. The doctors couldn't figure out what was ailing her, and no medication was able to alleviate her sufferings. Later, she was given to understand that she was undergoing those pains for mothers who were aborting their children (Diary, 1276)."On another occasion, she had a vision of an angel coming with thunderbolts to destroy one of the most beautiful cities of her country. And she felt powerless to do anything about it (Diary, 474). What antidote did the Lord give her? The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. [She explained] that the city was to be chastised for its sins, primarily the sin of abortion." ("Wombs of Mercy," Marian Helpers Bulletin, Summer 1995, p.13).Pope John Paul II personally emphasized this connection in 2003 when he signed a special Papal Blessing for those who pray the Chaplet for an end to abortion. The blessing, signed on the Feast of the Annunciation, is addressed to the Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy and to "all the faithful worldwide who join them in offering the Divine Mercy Chaplet…for mothers, that they not abort their offspring; for infants in danger of being put to death in the womb; for a change of heart of providers of abortions and of their collaborators; for human victims of stem cell research, genetic manipulation, cloning and euthanasia; and for all entrusted with the government of peoples, that they may promote the Culture of Life, so as to put an end to the culture of death."The world needs mercy. As Chairman of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries, I see that mercy being poured out each day on thousands of men and women worldwide who have lost children to abortion. Let’s pray in these days especially for them.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Baseball and Salzburg.

LET'S GGGOOOO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Opening day is underway! I'm very excited! Which is why I'm up at one in the morning...=)
On Saturday we went up to Salzburg for the weekend, absolutely beautiful! Katie and I went up to the castle and took a tour, which has a very gorgeous view of the city and the Danube river. We also went in the Cathedral that Mozart was baptized in and where he was the church musician for two years. It is the most beautiful church I have ever been in. Of course I also saw the fountain from Sound of Music. (Blue Jays just got a two nothing lead...=( ) In the gardens there is a dwarf park, a little garden with a lot of statues of dwarfs. When John and Lisa were in Salzburg last year Maria loved them, but this year she was very scared of them, it was very cute. Four nothing...MAN! Come on Justin...


Friday, April 3, 2009


Yesterday was my first full day in Gaming. I climbed up a mountain, had pretzels and beer for lunch and went to my first divine liturgy. It was an amazing day! I love it here. I will try and keep you updated but there is a limited amount of internet here so I may not be on very often.
