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Thursday, June 2, 2011

update time! :)

This past year as been really good for me. I've done a lot of growing in really falling in love with Jesus and more then that allowing Him to love me. One thing I learned is that in the past I'd never forgive myself. I always knew in my head that He forgives everything but there was some things in my past that I really hadn't forgiven myself for and so felt like I couldn't accept His love. That's changed in the past year and I'm coming to be able to accept His love and not have to question why He loves me.
Another area I've grown is having a solid prayer time every day. (Though I'm sorry to say it didn't happen today) I've mostly been able to get in a Holy Hour every day this week as well as pray a Rosary every day. There aren't really any tangible changes but I can tell that spending more time with Him is making a difference in my heart.
In February I spent a weekend with the Sister Servants for their young adult retreat. It was a wonderful weekend and brought a lot of peace to my heart. I don't know yet where I'm going to end up but I'm really attracted to the combination of the Dominican and Franciscan spiritualities.
School is going really well. I love studying sign language and I've found that He has given me a real gift for it. In July I'll be screening to get into the interpreter training program at the school and that will start up in the fall. I'm really excited about it! I'm also going to be moving out in the fall which I'm very excited about as well. I'm not quite sure where I'm going to be. I have two options. There is a home for the dieing here in Lansing run by a consecrated virgin and the current live in caretaker is moving out so she needs a new person to live there. I'm currently in the process of applying for that position. If that doesn't work out then I'm hoping to move into an apartment with a friend of mine. I'm definitely ready to move out!
It's been a wonderful year full of lots of learning. I'm excited to see what the next year brings!


Totus tuus Maria! Let's see what the good God wills.

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