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Monday, June 15, 2009


If you haven't noticed, I tend to go through spurts of blogging. So don't be surprised if you come here and I haven't posted in a long time. I'm trying to get better at updating more often but I'm very busy with school and life.

Here's some things that God gave me. It has taught me a lot about suffering and why it happens and how to deal with it, Etc Etc.

Psalms 31:24 and 16:1

Love Your Cross
No matter what you're going through, no matter what crosses you bear. He is always with you, He is always there.

Through all the heartache and all the pain, through all the suffering there is gain.

Even if you can't see hope, even if all seems as night, He is always with you there is always light.

Rainy Days
Sometimes all you feel is pain and you just can't find the sun, but the only way you can have a rainbow is if you have the rain.

Sometimes rain is refreshing and sweet, sometimes it only brings destruction, but it always helps you grow and helps you not be beat.

Because if you never go through hard stuff and life is always easy, then you never will learn how to be strong and to be tough.


Totus tuus Maria!