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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Contact: Michael D. Diebold, Director of Communications, Catholic Diocese of Lansing
The Most Reverend Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, today issued the following statement in response to recent comments of Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm:
In a Sunday address in Grand Rapids, Governor Jennifer Granholm incredibly said of Proposal 2 "As a Catholic, I can say to be pro-cure is to be pro-life." Of course, Catholics and all other responsible citizens will continue to seek cures for disease and injury. But to imply that Proposal 2 is a valid expression of Catholic principles is shocking. Nothing could be further from the truth. Proposal 2, which goes before Michigan voters in a week, would give an unrestricted license to those who perform destructive experiments on human embryos. While the Catholic Church strongly supports legitimate forms of stem cell research and all other proper forms of scientific inquiry, the Church also teaches that is it is always immoral to destroy a human embryo. For that reason, the Catholic Bishops of Michigan have taken a strong position in opposition to this well-funded assault on human life. Saint Paul reminds us that we must preach the Truth in season and out of season. The Truth will never go unspoken. To be in favor of Proposal 2 is not to be pro-life. A well-formed Catholic conscience would never lead a person to support Proposal 2 "as a Catholic."

I have a few things to say about this.
1st Here's to you Bishop Boyea for stating the truth!
2nd It bugs me so bad that A she says "as a Catholic" because She is NOT a Catholic no matter what she calls herself and she gives that rest of us Catholics a bad name when we have to be an example to the rest of the world!
B. She uses the term "pro-cure" There has not been one single cure found from embryonic stem cell research and there have been over 70 cures found from adult stem cell research. One last thing... HOW CAN THAT BE PRO LIFE? HOW CAN YOU CALL DESTROYING A HUMAN LIFE PRO LIFE?
Ok, I'm done with this rant, please vote no on 2.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Public schools

So this morning I took the PSAT at the public school near my house and I heard the Lord's name taken in vain to many times to count. I just wanted to lean over and say " Do you know what you are really saying when you say ' Oh my God'? " Although if I had done that they most likely would have just been like " what the heck are you talking about?" Although from what I was hearing they wouldn't have said heck.
Now don't get me wrong this is nothing against this kids, they just don't know any better and I know that, but this experience made me see just how blessed I am that I don't have to deal with this every day. Thank the Lord for homeschooling because I really don't know what I would do if I had to hear that all day every day.

So the long and short of this post is THANK YOU Mom and Pop for homeschooling me. I know it hasn't always been easy but it is MUCH appreciated.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Hi everyone! 
My name is Betsy, I'm sixteen and the youngest of seven. I have been Catholic all my life and when I was twelve God told me I was going  to be a nun. This past Jan. I went on the  Right to Life march in  Washington DC and that was when I decided that I am going to join the Sisters of life in NYC.  I Love to read and knit and play piano and flute. I'm playing flute in the home school band and also at Mass. Right now for school I'm reading Divine Comedy which I love!
